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Ray Walker  2010-06-13 15:53:51, ?? : 2,437, Vote : 984


Sorry for the gender gap. I am not very conversant with Korean and without thinking about it made an assumption.

I’m even more delighted that women are involved in the subject of their history. We have a large Korean community here where I live, which would be called the Greater Nashville area, in Tennessee. They have often held large dinner parties for Korean veterans here.

Some years ago I went to a local boutique that happened to be owned by a Korean woman. I wanted to get a copy of an embroidered Korean Dragon I had seen on a jacket. She gave me the address of “Shotgun Shin” in Seoul. Then she asked if I had been in Korea. I told her yes, from August through December of 1950. She remarked that she had come out of North Korea with her aunt, she being only 5 years old at the time, and we had taken them and many others, almost 100,000, with us when we left the north.

I didn’t think much about that at the time, though I recall many civilians coming into our lines during the middle of December. That we managed to take care of all of them and get them south and to freedom made me feel that our efforts up there were not in vain.

You have my permission to use anything I write to you as you see fit. I still haven’t gotten used to seeing the word “Busan” as the spelling. The P and B sounds are so similar.
the middle of December. That we managed to take care of all of them and get them south and to freedom made me feel that our efforts up there were not in vain.
You have my permission to use anything I write to you as you see fit. I still haven’t gotten used to seeing the word “Busan” as the spelling. The P and B sounds are so similar.

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