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Dear Yujin Ko
Thomas McHugh  2010-06-13 16:02:37, ?? : 2,273, Vote : 1066

Dear Yujin Ko,

It is with pride that I have read your email.   You are the result of Nations that came together to stop the North Korean's aggression.

I enlisted in the ARMY at 17 years old.  I was assigned to a unit classified as "SCARWAF".   That is Special Category ARMY Attached With Air Force.   Our job was to build Air Fields to keep the Military flying.   I served 3 years in the ARMY (1951-1954).     I then enlisted in the NJ National Guard & served 30 additional years (1954-1984).   I then served 10 years in the ARMY Reserve (1984-1994).   I am now retired & luckily only remember the good years.  The bad things happened & are mostly forgotten.  The Good Times give me many opportunity to smile.

I am presently serving as a National Director of the "KWVA" Korean War Veteran's Association.   My hope is to visit Korean in 2011, if space permits & my health is OK.

If you go to KWVA.org you will get a lot of great info about the Korean Veteran's Association & Korean War Veterans.

Thank you for your efforts & I wish you many good days for your memory bank to file away for future enjoyment.

Thomas M McHugh
National KWVA Director
Past New Jersey State Commander
Past Chapter 213 Commander
Present Chapter 213 Adjutant/Finance Officer  

REMEMBER our Missing and Fallen
MAINTAIN our Memorial
SUPPORT a free Korea

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