Michael Glazzy
2010-07-08 16:42:10, ?? : 16,567, Vote : 1091 |

Dear Yujin KO - Mr. Michael Glazzy, a friend of mine, sent me your nice letter. First, I may call your city Pusan, since when I fought there in 1950, that's how we spelled it. I landed in your city on 2 August 1950, and within 72 hours we were fighting the fierce North Korean Army. They were knocking on the Northern and Western doors of the city, especially at the Naktong River. They were determined to throw the ROK and US Forces into the sea and march into Pusan triumphantly. We were just as determined that they would not!
The Naktong River ran red with the blood of all the soldiers but in the long run, we prevailed and they were defeated.
I have been to the beautiful UN Cemetery in Pusan many times and truly appreciate that young people, like you, are determined to make it a special United Peace District.
By coincidence, my wife and I have twin granddaughters that are juniors in High School. Someday I would like to bring them to Korea to see what a beautiful and progressive country you have.
I have many Korean friends that live in Korea and Washington, DC. You must visit us one day.
My most sincere regards,
Michael Glazzy