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Dear Yujin Ko
Vic Dey  2010-06-13 15:54:36, ?? : 7,949, Vote : 1094

Dear Yujin Ko, I was very pleasantly surprised to receive your email. You must be a very intelligent young man to write such an informative email and express the wishes that you hope to achieve. Of all the many worthy UN Service personal that served during the Korean War I am extremely proud that you selected me to contact. I hope that I am worthy of the high acclaim that you have given me. During the Korean War Servicemen and Women from all the Countries involved in the Korean War witnessed many sad and horrible sights which the civilian population suffered. The resilience of the Korean people to rise from the devastation and destruction that they endured during the war and build it into the most beautiful Country that it is today as truly amazing. I have returned to South Korea 4 times since the War. 1976-2003-2006-2007. in 1976 there was still a noticeable urgency by Korean Service personal especially between mid-night and 6am. In 2006 my tour included a day trip to Busan where we were taken to the UN Cemetery. This was of course a very moving experience for me because I knew so many of the Australian Soldiers resting there. As did the other members who were part of the tour. South Korea has changed so much since the war; of course it is nearly 6 decades but the transformation amazed all visiting Veterans from all Countries. I see my old American friend Joe Poggi emailed you; I met Joe on the 2006 tour. Once again I thank you sincerely for your very informative email. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Our Association has a web-site which may be of interest to you; it is; www.austkoreavets.asn.au  My Best Wishes. Vic Dey

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